2010年3月25日 星期四

【Music】journal- Guns N Roses

Web: http://web.gunsnroses.com/index.jsp

 When it comes to the music I love, I will absolutely choose mental rock, and Guns N Roses is the classical one in that field. Guns N Roses is a band that I have not only addicted to their music but also learned a lesson from them. I learn that even stars will also fall one day, just like the disbandment of Guns N Roses.

  There were five members in this band, who took drugs, abused drinking and lived in extravagant life. However, the main reason for disbandment was not their rebellious act, but the disagreement between the singer Axl and guitarist Slash. These two people built up the charm of Guns N Roses, because of the emotional melody played by Slash combined with the glamour of Axl’s voice. The most ironic, band was famous for their encounter, and disbanded for their disagreements.

  From this, I learned that nothing can stay for long. Even the most popular band would soon collapse, and the star would fall to be normal. So, we should keep managing our life instead of forgetting everything while gaining the accomplishment and reputation.

