Kosovo is a young country which announces its independence for recent years; it is divided from Serbia, located in east Europe. However, facing the opposite position and denial of other countries, Kosovo still sticks to the end of being an independent country. Now, the day for which their citizens are waiting over a long period is finally coming; their vote begins! It is Kosovo’s first step of democracy.
Many areas still seek for help to build countries, such as Kosovo, but apparently there is a long way to go. Luckily, Serbia claims that they will impose sanction against Kosovo but not in military way; it is to say that they can keep intact citizens and lands. In contrast, same situation in Taiwan seems not so bright; main land China recently legislate a new law, in order to forbid separating and execute it including military way.
We can notice so many people struggling for independence around the world, and lots of methods their governments choose to take. In the case of Kosovo, it chooses active way and persists on its standpoint; but in Taiwan, which way do we go?